The Assumption Nunnery


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At 6 am on July 13, 1914, early liturgy began at the Assumption Nunnery. There served Bishop Palladius. Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna, widow
of the Moscow Governor-General Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, sister of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Chairperson of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, abbess of the Martha and Mary Convent of Mercy in Moscow, had arrived in Perm the day before the service began.

At the chapel, built a year earlier, in honour of the reigning Romanov Dynasty Tercentenary, the abbess of the monastery, Hegumeness Nina, met the distinguished guest. The Grand Duchess proceeded to the chapel, and then
to the nunnery cathedral where she was met by Bishop Palladius with a cross and holy water. Nuns of the Assumption Nunnery stood in rows
at the entrance to the cathedral. As one of their contemporaries noted, “the choir of nuns sang adorably, unwittingly touching recesses of the soul.” After the Gospel, there spoke Bishop Palladius and Nikolai Ivanovich Kolosov, Assistant Inspector of the Perm Theological Seminary, full member of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society. In the end, Nikolai Ivanovich said: “… In this extraordinary prayerful atmosphere, the august visitor, Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna, is a living and encouraging example of spiritual service to our homeland. With her love for the temples of God, for the holy Russian convents, for all church institutions, for her truly Christian selfless activities in doing good to the lesser brothers, in charity, in healing and in enlightening them, the most pious Grand Duchess personifies the truth-loving and God-bearing Russian soul.”

The liturgy ended at 9:20. On behalf of the nunnery, Abbess Nina presented the Grand Duchess with an icon of the Kazan Mother of God in an embroidered golden plating.

Then Elizaveta Feodorovna went to the abbess’s chambers where students of the graduating class of the teachers’ training college gave the honoured guest handmade white veils embroidered with chamomile flowers.

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